Friday, March 11, 2022

Why Pickleball Should Be Your Next Hobby

2022 Arizona Grand Slam:  Anna Leigh Waters is here, there, then Leigh races across the court and hits an ATP winner. The crowd standing shoulder to shoulder cheers. (Watch Clip)

If you're seeking a game that'll get you moving and is easy to pick up, you should head to (or create) a pickleball court. 

Shape Magazine 

The smaller court size makes pickleball easier on the body — there's no need to cover a huge area on foot the way you may need to while playing tennis — so athletic prowess isn't a prerequisite here. This makes pickleball a great multigenerational option. Families can play together, with young children and seniors in the mix.

Leigh Waters, 42, and her daughter, Anna Leigh Waters, 15, appreciate that multigenerational appeal. They are the only mother-daughter duo to complete together in the world of professional pickleball, with both ranked among the top players in the United States. Waters, who was a tennis player in college, learned the game while visiting her father in 2017.

"It's probably the only sport where you can have a teenager, an 80-year-old, a novice player, and an advanced player on the same court, and you can still play a game and have fun," says Leigh. "There's something special about a sport that allows anyone to go play. I think that's [driving] the huge growth and success of the sport." (Read More)

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