Tuesday, July 28, 2020

University of South Carolina: GameCocks Online June 2020

Former tennis player now among world's best on another court
Leigh Waters quote graphic
Leigh (Eichelberger) Waters may have put down the racket and hung up the lawyer suit, but the former South Carolina tennis player (1997-2001) picked up the paddle and has teamed up with her 13-year-old daughter, Anna Leigh, to become one of the top professional pickleball players in the world.
"It has allowed me to be competitive again," said Waters, who now lives in Delray Beach, Fla. "Who would have thought a 41-year-old could compete against 20-year-olds and win at a professional level? It's pretty cool.
"My daughter and I have contracts with pickleball paddle sponsors, and because we've been winning a lot, we're getting some decent prize money. Between the two, I decided this was a little more fun than 'lawyering.' So, I figured I would do this while I can!" (Read More)

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Jonny Pickleball Show

Jonny Pickleball Show Trailer July 2020

Jonny Pickleball Pre-Show Interview with Anna Leigh Waters, Leigh Waters and Kyle Yates

Highlight Reel (12+ mins)

Jonny Pickleball Show Fort Myers Racquet Club July 10, 2020